About All Aspects Health & Katie Taylor
Katie Taylor
Katie Taylor has been a practicing Myotherapist since 2000. An interest in the structure and function of the human body lead her to further studies in Lower Limb Biomechanics, and in 2014 she completed combined studies in Naturopathy, Nutrition and Western Herbal Medicine. Katie completed the Graduate Certificate in Evidence Based Complementary Medicine through the University of Tasmania in 2021, and has first and second degree training in Reiki.
Katie’s focus is on the treatment of all manner of chronic conditions. Using manual therapies and supporting her patients with nutrients and herbs, she guides them to make dietary and lifestyle changes to help them achieve the highest state of health that they can.
She has a special interest in conditions affecting the nervous system, such as chronic pain, insomnia and anxiety, as well as mental health conditions, such as depression, Bipolar Disorder, Autism and Aspergers Syndrome.
She is also experienced in the treatment of conditions resulting from chronic inflammation in the body.

Grad.Cert. Evidence Based Complementary Medicine (UTas)
Adv. Dip. Naturopathy (AIAS)
Adv. Dip. Nutritional Medicine (AIAS)
Adv. Dip. Western Herbal Medicine (AIAS)
Adv. Dip. Myotherapy (ACST)
Adv. Cert. Lower Limb Biomechanics (ICB)
Second Degree Reiki Level 2

Member Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)
Australian Reiki Connection Inc (ARC Inc)
ICB Authorised Practitioner